Entrance accessible for wheelchair users
- with no steps or with a raised threshold of up to 2,5 cm
- ramps with a gradients of up to 8%
- doorways or corridors with a net minimum width of 75 cm
- sufficient internal usability
Entrance accessible with assistance for wheelchair users
- maximum difference in height constitued by one step of no more than 20 cm
- ramps with a gradient of up to 12%
- doorway or corridors with a net minimum width of 65 cm
Entrance inaccessible for wheelchair users
- presence of steps
- ramps with a gradient of over 12%
- doorway or corridors with a net minimum width of less than 65 cm
Accessible lift
- doorway with minimum net width of 75 cm
- minimum depth of lift cabin 130 cm
- space for manoeuvre in front of lift of 150×150 cm
Lift Accessible with assistance
- doorway with minimum net width of 65 cm
- minimum depth of lift cabin 120 cm
- space for manoeuvre in front of lift of 140×140 cm
Inaccessible lift
Accessible WC
- doorway with minimum net width of 75 cm
- possibility of manoeuvring wheelchair inside or outside
- possibility of getting alongside to WC
- presence of supporting bars next to the Wc
WC Accessible with assistance
- doorway with minimum net width of 65 cm
- possibility of using WC with assistance
Inaccessible WC
- presence of obstacles
- impossibility of approach for wheelchair users
- insufficient space
- absence of supporting bars next to the Wc
Reserved parking spaces
- Presence of one or more reserved parking spaces within 50m from the entrance
Aids for pregnat women |
Entrance accessible for those with impaired mobility |
Specific diet
- Special menus for those with specific dietary requirements
Aids for the blind and those with impaired eyesight |
Aids for not speaking people |
Aids for the deaf and those with impaired hearing |